Web Hosting

Syementech giving best presence in the market due to its best hosting services and quality support. It is not merely a claim but the authentic reviews and feedbacks offered by our valued customers on diverse information sources available on the internet. Our motto at Symentech is to deliver premium support and services without undergoing any sort of price war with our market counterparts. Our solo objective is to deliver the best server performance and excellent support to our customers.

Dedicated Server

Symentech's Dedicated Servers are designed to host resource-intensive websites or mission-critical applications that have outgrown shared hosting or VPS Hosting platform. It is a well-known fact that online businesses are ever-growing and evolving at rapid pace in India. Keeping this fact in mind, we at Symentech have taken all possible measures to ensure that we have a dedicated server hosting solution available for every requirement.

Cloud Server

Symentech's Cloud Servers are a new way of delivering IT infrastructure for enterprise hosting. Cloud Server lets you to deploy and scale computing instances on the fly. It is developed over Citrix Xen Server and are based on a minimum of 2.0 GHz processor. Computing clouds servers are widely used for running ERP, large portals, rich media websites etc. You will have root access to the cloud instance and each instance behaves like a dedicated server by itself.

Streaming Server

Symentech provides online broadcasters with industry leading video and audio streaming services, including live event streaming, streaming media hosting, mobile streaming and more. These various solutions are available in Symentech's Online Broadcasting Platform.

Southern Symentech & Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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GoIndia Technologies

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