Presently, Internet is becoming more and more a visual media rather than text and images, with the Internet and Broadband spreading in every corner of the world, Visual media on internet is becoming more popular in the developing countries like India, be it we, Symentech takes pride by Innovating "V-Connect" first time in India. V-Connect can be efficiently used to cut cost, save time, by its various applications such as Broadcasting Live Events over the web such as Marriages, Sales Launches, Training Sessions, CEO Meets, Sales Reviews, Tele Medicine, Surveillance etc.,

V-Connect is an innovative product which has got good potential and the domestic market is untapped. A unique Product of the Next Generation.

V-Connect is effectively used to cut cost, save time by broadcasting Live events over web, right from domestic functions, to CEO meets, As such the product has a great demand with the Information Technology developments advancing day by day.

V-Connect an advance technology compared to the pre-recorded Videos, Images and content web cast. V-Connect has got broad applications and advantages such as time saving & cost effective. V-Connect becoming more popular with the MNC's and Corporate Giants.

V-Connect Plans:

Economy  |  Business  |  Corporate  |  Live Event Telecast  |  Surveillance

Southern Symentech & Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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GoIndia Technologies

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